Thanks all.
Endeavor this out.... I'g thinking just in terms of the teller deposits and the definition of funds availability under Reg CC. The deposits would be memo posted and increase the bachelor funds totals. That is the total used past ATMs and such. Of grade over the counter withdrawals and bank check cashing is a little trickier when human judgment comes into play. But basically the funds are noted as available and could be used for withdrawals and checks. With the use of a courtesy overdraft program the bachelor balance would be evaluated along with the ledger residual in those decisions.
If we had ready our organization to merely memo post greenbacks and on-us checks, those items would exist noted in our funds availability disclosure every bit same solar day items. I've seen that in the disclosures of some banks. And so if we flip the switch for memo posting everything, and and so making those eolith amounts available for withdrawal, it would seem to bear upon our policy and disclosure.
It's unusual, simply I have located one other bank disclosing in these terms.
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