
Do You Have To Have Money To Study Abroad

Some students might wonder how they can study abroad with less money in hand. It becomes worse when they can't find a sponsor to back up them financially. They neither want to burden their parents nor do they desire to surrender their dreams owing to their financial constraints.

Recently, we received a question on our students' forum – 'Would 20 lakhs exist enough to support my studies and other expenses abroad?'

The respond to it was –

At that place are many similar questions that we have received from students like you.

So will you lot be able to report abroad even if you don't take sufficient money? The precise reply is – aye, yous'll definitely go to do that! Merely how? In iii uncomplicated steps.

1. Research!

  • Many tiptop institutions in the United states have something called 'need bullheaded admissions', which means if you are a really meticulous pupil who has proficient bookish records, your fiscal constraints won't finish yous from getting admissions. You lot'll be granted admissions purely based on merit, not based on how much coin you lot can beget to spend for your education.
  • If you don't accept enough money, apply for some good international scholarships* – an easy way to escape taking loans for your higher studies abroad.
  • If you don't have enough money, yous should use to some cost-effective or economical countries such as Federal republic of germany and Canada. And the best source of information to know nigh a few more price-constructive countries is our counsellors.

Desire to figure out the price of studying in Australia? Here is a price calculator to help you with (this is an approximate).

Another crucial factor, besides money, which determines if you can study away with less money is, 'time'. Time will decide where and what course you lot become to choose. If you apply early to some colleges and universities abroad, yous might get scholarships. If you delay, you might miss them. If you utilize early with all the required documents, and so chances of receiving the credence letter is high, just if yous delay, so you might lose a few opportunities.

Similarly, if you clear whatever of the standardised tests early on and earn a good score, y'all can go admissions at a university or college abroad at a correct fourth dimension. Simply put – you need to meet where you lot stand so ask these questions to yourself:

  1. How practiced is your SOP/ LOR?
  2. Practice you take good IELTS/TOEFL/PTE/Sabbatum score?
  3. How well have you written your application alphabetic character?
  4. Have you done some out-of-classroom activities in your chosen field?
  5. Is your academic tape to a higher place average?

2. When yous've less money, expect for scholarships!

You can check with banks that provide several scholarships to international students at lower interest rates unlike other banks. But always give a second thought to borrowing money from anyone considering you don't want, or your parents, incur debts and keep re-paying all your life.

*There are hundreds of scholarship websites that could be useful. I've listed a few here:

  1. India Study Abroad Centre
  2. Brotherhood for Global Education Need Based Scholarships
  3. German Academic Substitution Service
  4. Eastern European Study Away
  5. Uniplaces Scholarships – a website that helps students support their accommodation expenses.
  6. Otago Polytechnic Scholarships
  7. Unitec Institute of Technology Scholarships

Now, these are the things that you need to figure out earlier-hand. All this put together volition help you fetch a proficient university and college that will empathize your economic bug and will not hesitate to grant you admit.

iii. Save coin!

To save money while studying abroad, you will take to plan before leaving your country.

What could be the possible means to manage with less money away?

  1. Find a part-fourth dimension chore.
  2. Work as an banana researcher or teacher in your college or university.
  3. Expect for cheaper accommodation options, such equally homestays and shared apartments. Sharing your living infinite with someone can help both of you lot split the cost of groceries and other utilities. Also, cook for yourself and salvage coin on eating out frequently.
  4. Cut downward all additional expenses like transportation costs. Bank check with your university abroad if they can provide students' pass for your daily commute.
  5. Try spending more time in your college or university libraries so that you can save the cost of purchasing books, if yous feel those are not must buys.
  6. Familiarise yourself with the budget of the land where you are heading to. Refrain from ownership souvenirs, if yous are really looking at 'saving'.
  7. You tin also salvage the price of international calls past purchasing a calling card.
  8. Special offers: Many countries provide International Student ID Card that will help you save money on just near anything around the world. You tin can go discounts on anything you purchase, and you tin can use it at places similar salons, clothing stores, restaurants, etc. Try getting that!

Related: 7 piece of cake ways to earn money while studying abroad.

Start planning now! If you have everything what it takes to earn an international degree, and then having less coin should not pull you downwardly. Beginning with small steps and yous will definitely reach your goal. Our written report abroad experts will guide yous in selecting countries based on your budget.


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